Issue - meetings

Forward Plan and Committee Business

Meeting: 19/09/2013 - Education Scrutiny Committee (Item 15)

Forward plan and Committee Business



An opportunity for the Committee to discuss and prioritise future topics, approaches to work and the schedule for future meetings.


Committee discussed the recent case of Daniel Pelka, and whether advice or guidance need be issued to governors, teachers and support staff, in order the ensure that as an authority staff in schools are well-versed and up-to-date.  However, this was felt to be beyond the remit of the Committee.  In order that work was not duplicated it was suggested that Committee ask to receive a report for information from the Cabinet Advisory Group which had been set up to deal with these matters,.


The Chair noted that at the next meeting reports would be required in relation to a mock OFSTED Inspection, the revised Home to School Transport Policy, pupil premium as a measure of funding schools and externalisation of services, and that a Work Action Plan should be drawn up to reflect this.


Other areas to be considered for future meetings were suggested including the broader landscape for education and the ability of Committee to be provide a positive influence on this.  The formation of working groups to cover performance and achievement, and the demands of Special Educational Needs and Gifted children was also discussed.


Committee was addressed by Councillor Brighouse, who confirmed that there were issues about feeding into Performance Scrutiny Committee across the board.  It is now envisaged that there will be briefings before budgets are set, and open sessions in terms of the proposals, in order that they may be fed into Performance Scrutiny Committee.


The Chair confirmed that she would like to see if a further meeting of this Committee could be convened after the relevant open meeting, in order that members of Committee can have the opportunity to meet and share views.