Agenda, decisions and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector - Tuesday, 22 May 2012 4.00 pm

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Deborah Miller  Tel: (01865) 815384; EMail:

Note: Decision taken by Cabinet Member for Children & Voluntary Sector following changes to Cabinet member portfolios on 15 May 2012 

No. Item


Apology for Absence


An apology was received from Councillor Louise Chapman (Councillor Ian Hudspeth substituting).


Big Society Fund - Outstanding Issues pdf icon PDF 196 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/070

Contact: Kathrin Luddecke, Policy & Performance Officer Tel: (01865) 323965


Report by Senior Performance & Improvement Manager (CMDPPC4).


A decision is sought from the Cabinet Member for Police & Policy Co-ordination on two outstanding bids for Big Society funding which had been referred by Cabinet, together with a request for clarification on certain details.


The bids have been submitted by:

  • Stadhampton with Chiselhampton Parochial Church Council
  • Thamesdown Youth Association


and are set out in the attached report (CMDPPC4).


The Cabinet Member with responsibility for the Big Society Fund is RECOMMENDED to approve both bids which meet the assessment criteria.





Presented By: In response to questions Councillor Hudspeth was advised that in respect of the Building the Community - Stadhampton with Chiselhampton Parochial Church Council bid, the bidder was actively seeking the remaining funding. Councillor Hudspeth proposed that a condition be imposed to review progress so that if the further funding was not secured the position could be reassessed and the funding reallocated if necessary.


to approve the following bids which meet the assessment criteria subject to the requirements set out below:


·                    New Beginning for young people in Henley - £12,556

·                    Building the Community  - Stadhampton with Chiselhampton Parochial Church Council - £50,000 contingent on other funding required for the project being raised; and subject to a review on progress to the Cabinet Member for Children & the Voluntary Sector in six months.