Agenda and minutes

Adult Services Scrutiny Committee - Wednesday, 9 September 2009 10.00 am

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Kath Coldwell, Tel: (01865) 815902 E.Mail: 

Note: All members of this Committee are asked to note that there will be a pre-meeting at 9.30 am on the day of the meeting in Committee Room 2. 

No. Item


Apologies for Absence and Temporary Appointments


Declarations of Interest - see guidance note


Minutes pdf icon PDF 164 KB

To approve the minutes of the meetings held on 8 July 2009 (AS3) and to note for information any matters arising on them.



Speaking to or petitioning the Committee


To consider matters where the Committee can provide a challenge

to the work of the Authority and its partners



Oxfordshire Learning Disability Partnership Board: Presentation and Q&A



Contact:Eddie McDowall (Valuing People Manager – Oxfordshire Learning Disability Partnership Board) (01865 228191)


Mr McDowall, together with MsAnn Nursey (Assistant Head of Adult Social Care – Learning Disabilities - OCC), Mrs Gail Hanrahan (Parent Carer), Mr Mike Edwards (Service User) and Mrs Sue Haffenden (Chairman of the Oxfordshire Learning Disability Partnership Board) will give a presentation to the Committee on the work of the Oxfordshire Learning Disability Partnership Board. 


The Committee is invited to receive the presentation and conduct a question and answer session.



Transforming Adult Social Care: Progress Update and Q&A pdf icon PDF 92 KB



Contact: Alan Sinclair, Programme Director – Transforming Adult Social Care (01865 323665)


It has been agreed that a report on Transforming Adult Social Care will be brought quarterly to this Committee (AS6) and will include detail on self directed support.


Mr Sinclair will attend to provide the update and to answer the Committee’s questions. 


The Committee is invited to track progress and to conduct a question and answer session.



Fair Access to Care Services Consultation - Q&A and Response pdf icon PDF 392 KB

(Consultation on the revision of the FACS Guidance to support councils to determine eligibility for social care services).


Contact:Varsha Raja (Assistant Head of Service – Commissioning and Redesign)(01865) 323618


On 14 July 2009 the Department of Health issued a consultation document on Fair Access to Care Services, which is attached at AS7(a)(i). This needs to be read in conjunction with the draft revised guidance (AS7(a)(ii)). These guidelines determine whether people are eligible for social care.  This is a major review and responses are due by 6 October 2009.  The Directorate is setting up arrangements to consider the consultation and then will want to consult with service users and carers.  Consultation with elected members is also vital.  A short briefing paper is attached (AS7(b)).


The Director for Social & Community Services together with Mr Paul Purnell (Head of Adult Social Care) will attend for this item to introduce the consultation and to answer members’ questions.


The Committee is invited to discuss the consultation document, asking questions as necessary, and to forward its comments to the Directorate.



To take evidence, receive progress updates and consider tracking reports.


Additional documents:


Self Directed Support Task Group: Update



[Lead Member Task Group comprises Councillors Jenny Hannaby, Sarah Hutchinson, Larry Sanders and Lawrie Stratford]                                                                          


The Committee is invited to receive an update on the work of the Task Group.



To consider future work items for the Committee





Annual Scrutiny Work Programme September 2009 - July 2010 pdf icon PDF 248 KB



Contact: Desmond Fitzgerald, Policy and Review Officer, (01865 810477)

            The proposed scrutiny work programme consists of ideas generated by members, officers and the public. Each idea has been assessed against the criteria outlined in the proposal form.  This includes an analysis of how the proposed review relates to the council’s strategic priorities, its current performance in this area and whether it is an area where scrutiny can contribute to upstream policy development.   The proposed reviews were discussed with the relevant directors or heads of service and their comments are included on the proposal form for members to consider.

Members are asked to consider the proposals relevant to their committee (AS9 – to follow) and to decide which work they wish to undertake and with what priority.

The Committee is asked to identify its priorities for its work programme, including its first choice activity.



Forward Plan


            The Committee is asked to note any items of interest.


13:35 approx Close of Meeting