Issue - meetings

West Way/Botley Road Junction Remodelling - Consequential Changes to Traffic Orders

Meeting: 07/06/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Deputy Leader of the Council (including Transport) (Item 8)

8 North Hinksey Lane (West), Botley, Oxford - Proposed Prohibition of Right Turn onto West Way & Revocation of No-Entry Restriction pdf icon PDF 163 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/023

Contact: David Tole, Principal Engineer, Traffic & Safety Improvements Tel: (01865) 815942


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy – Highways & Transport (CMDDL4).




The Deputy Leader of the Council considered a proposal to prohibit right turns from North Hinksey Lane (West) onto West Way and to revoke the prohibition of entry restriction from West Way as part of a scheme to improve traffic flow through the West Way, A34 slip road and Botley Road junction.  He noted further representations which had been received from Malcolm Graham and Angela MacKeith, both opposing the proposals


Reiterating points raised in her written response to the consultation Angela MacKeith stated that while it might seem to some that the situation for the 7 properties, in what was effectively a traffic island, were insignificant in comparison to the problems on the Botley Road a great deal of traffic was in fact generated in this area, including large lorries.  Parking was in fact a huge problem here and while a solution was needed she and others feared this proposal would only make things worse and the potential for improvements on the Botley Road did not seem to be enough to warrant increasing the misery for local residents. It was one thing to keep traffic flowing but she represented the views of residents and people in this area with other priorities and referred to support from the parish council, Cyclox and the local County Councillor.


Mr Prior confirmed that one section of the parish council had in fact supported the proposal although it was true that another section of the council had not. Commending the proposal, which he felt would offer more control, he confirmed that Hinksey Lane West was currently two-way and parking would be monitored and restricted if necessary.


The Deputy Leader of the Council felt that the modelling process had indicated that the scheme would offer improvement and having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above he confirmed his decision as follows:


to approve the making of the Oxfordshire County Council (North Hinksey Lane, Botley, Oxford) (Prohibition of Right Turn) Order 20** as advertised, but to ask officers to monitor the impact of the changes and the subsequent need for any further restrictions or amendments.




Deputy leader of the Council

