Issue - meetings

Proposed 40mph and 50mph Speed Limits - A423 Oxford Southern Bypass Link Roads - September 2017

Meeting: 07/09/2017 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 10)

10 Proposed Speed Limit Reductions on Link Roads to A423 Oxford Southern Bypass pdf icon PDF 685 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2017/096

Contact: Hugh Potter, Team Leader – Area Operations Hub Tel: (01865) 810028


Report by Director of Infrastructure Delivery (CMDE4).


Following a formal consultation on proposed speed limit changes on the A423 Oxford Southern bypass and roads linking the bypass to Kennington and Oxford, the Cabinet Member for Environment on 29 June 2017 approved  introduction of a 50mph speed limit on the bypass between the A34/A423 Hinksey Hill interchange and the existing 50mph speed limit on the bypass north west of the A423/A4074 Heyford Hill roundabout.  However, it was recommended - after considering the responses to the consultation - that proposals for introducing a 30mph speed limit on the linking roads should not be progressed but that a further consultation be carried out on revised speed limit proposals. The report presents responses received in the course of a statutory consultation to introduce revised speed limits on the roads linking the A423 Oxford Southern Bypass to Kennington and Oxford.


The Cabinet Member for Environment is RECOMMENDED to approve the proposals as advertised.








Following a formal consultation on proposed speed limit changes on the A423 Oxford Southern bypass and roads linking the bypass to Kennington and Oxford, the Cabinet Member for Environment on 29 June 2017 approved introduction of a 50mph speed limit on the bypass between the A34/A423 Hinksey Hill interchange and the existing 50mph speed limit on the bypass north west of the A423/A4074 Heyford Hill roundabout.  It had also been recommended that after considering the responses to the consultation that proposals for introducing a 30mph speed limit on the linking roads should not be progressed but that a further consultation be carried out on revised speed limit proposals. The Cabinet Member now considered CMDE4 responses received in the course of a statutory consultation to introduce revised speed limits on the roads linking the A423 Oxford Southern Bypass to Kennington and Oxford.


Councillor Johnston expressed support for the comments made by the Kennington parish council adding that the 50 mph limit on the slip road up to the bypass could not be justified due to traffic conditions and that 30 would be more sensible, coherent and less confusing.


Mr Kirkwood confirmed the restrictions under national regulations on provision of repeater 30 mph signs where there was street lighting with the potential risk for drivers failing to see the one 30 mph signs when turning off the A423 and assuming they were still under a 50 limit. Officers felt this was the most appropriate way forward.


The Cabinet Member confirmed that in view of the responses of both the Police and local council she had looked carefully at this but had been persuaded by officers that this was the best course of action. Therefore having regard to the arguments and options set out in the report before her and the representations received at the meeting she confirmed her decision as follows:


to approve the proposals to introduce revised speed limits on the roads linking the A423 Oxford Southern Bypass to Kennington and Oxford as advertised.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing………………………..