Issue - meetings

Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Brashfield Road and Granville Way, Bicester

Meeting: 07/09/2017 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 13)

13 Proposed Waiting Restrictions - Brashfield Road and Granville Way, Bicester pdf icon PDF 967 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2017/084

Contact: Hugh Potter, Team Leader – Area Operations Hub Tel: (01865) 810028


Report by Director for Infrastructure Delivery (CMDE7).


Concerns over the obstruction of traffic and road safety as a result of on-street waiting at a number of locations within the town have been raised by local members and at the Bicester Traffic Advisory Committee and in response officers identified - in consultation with local members – proposals for waiting restrictions. Following consideration of the responses to a formal consultation held in autumn 2016, amendments were made to some of the proposals after a joint review by officers and members, and a further consultation on all the   proposed restrictions as shown was carried out in March and April 2017 and reported to the Cabinet Member for Environment decisions meeting on 25 May. In considering the responses to the consultation on proposals for Granville Way, revised proposals were identified and taken to a further consultation, as were proposals for Brashfield Road, where an inadvertent omission in the previous consultation had been identified.


The report presents objections and other comments received in the course of the statutory consultation on proposals to introduce new waiting restrictions on Brashfield Road and Granville Way, Bicester.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approvethe implementation of the proposals as advertised and described in the report.








The Cabinet Member for Environment considered objections and other comments received in the course of a statutory consultation on proposals to introduce new waiting restrictions on Brashfield Road and Granville Way, Bicester to meet concerns over the obstruction of traffic and road safety as a result of on-street waiting at a number of locations within the town which had  been raised by local members and the Bicester Traffic Advisory Committee


Officers also reported correspondence from Mr Pickett, a resident of Brashfield Road which had been addressed as part of the proposals.


Councillor Stratford referred to extreme problems for residents in Bicester due to displaced parking. A successful parking review last year would be implemented in the autumn but there needed to be a stopping point and with these proposals he felt officers had got it about right.  The situation would, however, continue to be reviewed in the light of further improvements to transport infrastructure and a programmed town wide review on speed restrictions. Cherwell district council continued to resist taking on civil enforcement but their recent announcement to contribute to monitoring of bad parking although split between the district area would help. He was mindful that some residents of Brashfield Road were not happy but bearing in mind the pressures facing Bicester from continued expansion he felt, overall, that these proposals represented a good first step and that the situation for residents was improving.


Will Pedley confirmed that the proposals would be reviewed after 6 months.


The Cabinet Member recognised the problems facing Bicester but felt the steps currently being taken were a good first step to improving the situation for residents. She welcomed the decision by Cherwell district council to contribute towards the cost of a police community support officer which would she felt help influence people’s minds with regard to inconsiderate parking.  Therefore having regard to the arguments and options set out in the report and the representations made at the meeting she confirmed her decision as follows:


to approvethe implementation of the proposals as advertised and described in the report.CMDE7.




Cabinet Member for Environment


Date of signing……………………………….


