Issue - meetings

Proposed Amendment to Prohibition of Driving - Old A329/Caps Lane, Cholsey

Meeting: 11/02/2016 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Environment (including Transport) (Item 55)

55 Proposed Amendment to Prohibition of Driving Order - Cholsey Old Reading Road/Caps Lane pdf icon PDF 432 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/127

Contact: Owen Jenkins, Highways, Transport & Waste Service Manager Tel: (01865) 323304


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDE7).


The report presents comments and objections received in the course of a statutory consultation on a proposal to amend the existing Prohibition of Driving Order that currently applies on the full length of the Old Reading Road at Cholsey between its junction with Caps Lane and the southern end of this road where it meets the A329 Wallingford – Reading Road as part of a planning permission issued by South Oxfordshire District Council relating to the use of land adjacent to the Old Reading Road for an agricultural business.


The Cabinet Member for the Environment is RECOMMENDED to approvethe implementation of proposal as advertised.









·                     Developer to be requested to provide adequate direction signing.

·                     Officers asked to review speed limits on the A329 between the existing 30 mph limit at Cholsey to the A4130 Wallingford Bypass.


The Cabinet Member for Environment considered (CMDE6) objections received to a formal consultation on proposals to amend an existing Prohibition of Driving order that currently applied on the full length of the Old Reading Road at Cholsey between its junction with Caps Lane and the southern end of the road where it met with the A329 Wallingford – Reading road. The proposal had been required as part of a planning permission issued by South Oxfordshire District Council which related to the use of land adjacent to the Old Reading Road for an agricultural business.


Mr Morley expressed concern regarding the potential for a substantial increase in traffic and resultant safety issues around the access to the site, which would also directly affect high numbers of pedestrians and cyclists on Caps Lane. He urged that consideration be given to an alternative access at the southern end together with rationalisation of the speed limits in the area in order to eliminate the current 40 limit and achieve a straight drop from 50 to 30 mph.


Endorsing Mr Morley’s comments Councillor Gray advised that residents supported provision of alternative access at the southern end which would take vehicular traffic away from Caps Lane and also help to slow traffic.  Caps Lane enjoyed a tremendous amenity value particularly at weekends and not wanting to see that compromised through additional levels of traffic asked for a deferral pending a further site meeting to consider the options. He added that residents had paid for an independent set of measurements for the splays which had indicated they were not adequate due to the bend in the road.


Replying to a question from the Cabinet Member Mr Tole confirmed that a new planning permission would be required to continue use of the current access but in his view that was not the best option. He was aware that residents wanted to maintain the existing secure area with support for use as a circular walk and support for a new access onto A329 but the requirement was to deal with a traffic restriction as part of a district council planning permission and introducing another access onto A329 was not considered the best option on the grounds. Fewer junctions generally meant safer roads.  It was inevitable that the business would lead to an increase in traffic but a  transport assessment had put that figure at 19 more vehicles and even if a decision was taken to open up Access B people would still follow satellite navigation which would take them to Caps Lane.


Responding to the Cabinet Member Mr Kirkwood confirmed that the present junction was safe from a highway perspective and that the current speed limit arrangement seemed to work well.


The Cabinet Member advised having visited the site that he could see no merit from a highway perspective in opening up the southern end but felt the  Caps Lane end could profit from some additional signing to be provided by the developer and that all traffic should turn  ...  view the full minutes text for item 55