Issue - meetings

Addressing the Council's Future Challenges

Meeting: 26/05/2015 - Cabinet (Item 39)

39 Addressing the Council's Future Challenges pdf icon PDF 154 KB

Cabinet Member: Finance

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/032

Contact: Claire Phillips, Senior Policy & Performance Officer Tel: (01865) 323967


Report by Chief Finance Officer and Head of Policy (CA6)


It is timely, following the General Election, to take stock of both the council's financial position and its policy priorities, reflecting both local drivers and what we now know of the national context. 


In particular it is clear that local government will face further reductions in funding over the course of this parliament to deliver the savings required by the UK government to reduce the deficit. At the same time we face rising demand for adult and children’s social care, in part as a result of our growing population.


We need to consider what will be required for the council to respond to these challenges, building on the approach that has been taken over the past five years.


Cabinet are asked to consider the issues set out in this paper and consider any changes to our financial and corporate strategy that are required at this time. 


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to consider the issues set out in this paper and consider any changes to our financial and corporate strategy that are required at this time.



Recommendation agreed.


Following the General Election, the Cabinet considered a report taking stock of both the council's financial position and its policy priorities, reflecting both local drivers and what was known of the national context.


Councillor Hards, Shadow Cabinet Member for Finance, acknowledged that the report was an important reminder of the situation but that it did not mean that he was happy or accepted that it was inevitable and the only way to proceed. He queried the implications of information contained in the report drawing attention to the graph on page 10. With regard to the capital programme he considered that investment was required and not cuts. He expressed concern at the national system of financing which he considered needed reform.


Councillor Stratford introduced the contents of the report and emphasised that the most vulnerable would continue to be protected and the Council would need to plan to meet statutory responsibilities. He had some sympathy with the desire for reform noting that the County Council received some of the lowest levels of comparative funding. He commended the work of staff particularly those providing frontline services.


During discussion Cabinet commended the report for providing a useful and comprehensive snapshot of the position. It was suggested that a further report would be needed in July once more information was available.


RESOLVED:           to consider the issues set out in this paper and consider any changes to our financial and corporate strategy that are required at this time.