Issue - meetings

Tri-Counties Prospectus

Meeting: 26/05/2015 - Cabinet (Item 44)

44 England's Economic Heartland - Tri-Counties Prospectus pdf icon PDF 198 KB

Cabinet Member: Leader

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/031

Contact: Sue Scane, Director for Environment & Economy Tel: (01865) 816399


Report by Director for Environment & Economy (CA11)


In December 2014 the Leaders of the three County Councils set out their proposal for a Tri-County Strategic Alliance.  With a population of 1.9m and an economy valued at £46.6bn the area of Oxfordshire, Buckinghamshire and Northamptonshire is an economic powerhouse that rivals any other outside of London.  We are an area that is at the heart of science and technology innovation in the UK, one whose market focus is global. the commitment made by the three County Council leaders at Silverstone was in recognition of the fact that in order to continue to prosper there is a need for strategic leadership targeted at addressing barriers to economic growth. 


The new Government’s commitment to devolution provides the opportunity to seek a new Growth Deal through which we can implement a new delivery model: one that brings together a range of powers, responsibilities and resources in a way previously unseen. 


The emerging framework for our proposition has the flexibility to be extended to adjoining areas where there is common cause.  At the same time the framework explicitly recognises that whilst partners chose to work together on strategic issues, they retain their own identity and their roles and responsibilities in local issues.  We have set out the framework for our proposition in a new brochure – which is being promoted as ‘England’s Economic Heartland’


The reports sets out engagement and work to date and seeks agreement to the next steps.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)  endorse the engagement and work that has taken place with Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire/Northamptonshire County Councils and the Local Enterprise Partnerships;


(b)  agree to the formation of a Strategic Leaders Board comprised of the three County Councils and three Local Enterprise Partnerships with the remit to:


                i)          Take forward the engagement and work in order to develop specific proposals that address the barriers to economic growth

              ii)          Enter into initial dialogue with the Government in respect of seeking devolution of powers, funding and accountability for functions that support economic growth; and


(c)  agree that a further report be submitted to Cabinet and Local Enterprise Partnership Boards once this further work has been undertaken.


Additional documents:


Recommendations agreed.


In December 2014 the Leaders of the three County Councils set out their proposal for a Tri-County Strategic Alliance. The emerging framework has the flexibility to be extended to adjoining areas where there is common cause. At the same time the framework explicitly recognises that whilst partners chose to work together on strategic issues, they retain their own identity and their roles and responsibilities in local issues. The framework is set out in a brochure being promoted as ‘England’s Economic Heartland’


Cabinet had before them a report that set out engagement and work to date and sought agreement to the next steps.


Councillor Brighouse, Opposition Leader, highlighted two issues in respect of the paper. Firstly with regard to democracy and democratic accountability the proposals did have the potential to bring some benefit. It was about how in taking it forward the Council worked in the local communities. Secondly it was a question of how the proposals would engage back bench councillors. Both issues linked back to localities, the use of locality meetings and questions of local community and empowerment.


The Leader moved the recommendations and Cabinet in welcoming the recommendations emphasised the importance of engaging with local MP’s. Councillor Hudspeth confirmed that he was talking with MPs.


RESOLVED:           to:


(a)        endorse the engagement and work that has taken place with Oxfordshire/Buckinghamshire/Northamptonshire County Councils and the Local Enterprise Partnerships;


(b)        agree to the formation of a Strategic Leaders Board comprised of the three County Councils and three Local Enterprise Partnerships with the remit to:


            i)                Take forward the engagement and work in order to develop specific proposals that address the barriers to economic growth

           ii)                Enter into initial dialogue with the Government in respect of seeking devolution of powers, funding and accountability for functions that support economic growth; and


(c)        agree that a further report be submitted to Cabinet and Local Enterprise Partnership Boards once this further work has been undertaken.