Issue - meetings

Section 75 Agreement

Meeting: 26/05/2015 - Cabinet (Item 46)

46 Section 75 Agreement pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Cabinet Member: Adult Social Care

Forward Plan Ref: 2015/004

Contact: Benedict Leigh – Strategic Commissioner – Adults Tel: (01865) 323548


Report by Director of Adult Social Services (CA13).


The purpose of this report is to seek approval for  variations to the legal agreement under Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006 that governs the existing formal joint working arrangements and pooled budgets between Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire County Council from April 2015 onwards.


The report sets out


How the variations to the pooled budget agreement would better support the delivery of Health & Wellbeing Board targets, and support the joint response to national and local strategic challenges.


How the pooled budget agreement will monitor and assure the impact of the Better Care Fund and outcomes based contracting for mental health and older people and ensure compliance with the requirements of the Care Act 2014.


How the pooled budget agreement would support the development of effective integrated commissioning in Oxfordshire.


The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to


(a)            approve the proposed changes to the pooled budget arrangements with Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, including changes to the Section 75 Agreement for All Client Groups (as set out in Annex 1)  to reflect this, subject to the inclusion of any necessary changes in the text as agreed by the Director OF Adult Social Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care


(b)            approve the permanent virement of £0.657m into the Physical Disability Pool in respect of physical disability client contribution budgets as discussed by the physical disability JMG


(c)            RECOMMEND to County Council the permanent virement of £5.481m into the Learning Disability Pool in respect of learning disability client contribution budgets as discussed by the learning disability JMG; and


(d)            Delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officers of Oxfordshire County Council and Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group to agree and implement technical changes in the accounting treatment for the Better Care Fund.


(e)            Cabinet is asked to approve a reduction in the contribution to the Older people’s pool by £0.53m and a temporary virement of this amount to the Council’s Strategic Measures budget.



Recommendations agreed.


Cabinet considered a report seeking approval for variations to the legal agreement under Section 75 of the NHS Act 2006 that governs the existing formal joint working arrangements and pooled budgets between Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group and Oxfordshire County Council from April 2015 onwards.


Councillor Stratford referred to the way the NHS had been funded over many years, with the ability to write off debts each year and hoped that the Council would lobby government. He supported the recommendations and it provided more flexibility in funding but the Council should argue against 1 year plans.


RESOLVED:           to


(a)            approve the proposed changes to the pooled budget arrangements with Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group, including changes to the Section 75 Agreement for All Client Groups (as set out in Annex 1) to reflect this, subject to the inclusion of any necessary changes in the text as agreed by the Director OF Adult Social Services after consultation with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care;


(b)            approve the permanent virement of £0.657m into the Physical Disability Pool in respect of physical disability client contribution budgets as discussed by the physical disability JMG;


(c)            RECOMMEND to County Council the permanent virement of £5.481m into the Learning Disability Pool in respect of learning disability client contribution budgets as discussed by the learning disability JMG;


(d)            delegate authority to the Chief Finance Officers of Oxfordshire County Council and Oxfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group to agree and implement technical changes in the accounting treatment for the Better Care Fund.


(e)            to approve a reduction in the contribution to the Older people’s pool by £0.53m and a temporary virement of this amount to the Council’s Strategic Measures budget.