Issue - meetings

Proposed Parking Restrictions - Lye Valley and Sandy Lane, Oxford

Meeting: 14/02/2013 - Delegated Decisions by Deputy Leader of the Council (including Transport) (Item 13)

13 Proposed Parking Restrictions - Lye Valley and Sandy Lane Areas, Oxford pdf icon PDF 622 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/186

Contact: Jim Daughton, Highways & Transport Service Manager, Tel: (01865) 815083


Report by Deputy Director for Environment & Economy (Commercial) (CMDDL8).



The Deputy Leader of the Council considered a proposal to introduce new parking restrictions in several streets in the Lye Valley area and Sandy Lane, Blackbird Leys.  The proposals had been subject to a formal consultation with objections for both areas.


Mr Neville Wharton a resident at the Slade sought assurances that residents  would continue to be able to park on the Service Road.


Mr Tole confirmed that these proposals had been promoted by local members under the area stewardship fund and in response to parking problems experienced in these areas. It had been felt that a 2 hour limit would work but in response to concerns expressed by some residents including Mr Wharton it was now proposed to exclude the service road area as marked in red on the plan attached to the report. That would enable residents to continue to park. but would also mean that residents would need to compete for spaces with commuters.   Further major development was expected in the area which would mean a future review of traffic issues but in the meantime officers were recommending that the proposals for double yellow lines should go ahead.


Having regard to the arguments and options set out in the documentation before him, the representations made to him and the further considerations set out above the Deputy Leader of the Council confirmed his decisions on this matter as follows:


to approve the parking restrictions as set out in this report and advertised as the Oxfordshire County Council (Various Streets, Oxford) (Waiting and Loading Restrictions) (Variation No.5) Order 20** except for the element for 2-hour parking on The Slade service road.




Deputy Leader of the Council


