Decision details

A420 Botley Road in the Vicinty of Rail Station - Highway Improvements

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: Yes


Under the planned works for Oxford Train Station, ancillary improvements are being promoted the vicinity in the Botley Road area. These will include improvements to cycle lanes / paths, traffic calming features and waiting restrictions around new accesses.


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


Officers explained that the full design of the entire project did not need approval, but that the elements in the report required decisions in this process.


The Chair noted that segregated cycleways and footways would be ideal, but that there is no space for that to go ahead.


The Chair stated that it was not legally possible to have a one-way cycle lane and officers confirmed this point. Officers pointed out that markings to encourage where the direction of travel for cyclists are not legally enforceable.


The Chair noted the detailed engagement from active travel stakeholder and partner groups on specific design issues, pointing out that this was for a later stage in the process.


The Chair raised the issue of who was responsible for the maintenance of lighting in the tunnel. Officers noted they would double-check this particular point.


The Chair and officers agreed that wheelchair users would be considered as part of the design process.


The Chair thanked officers for their work and for all of the responses to the consultations. The Chair agreed the recommendations in the report.




To approve the following elements of the scheme design for pedestrian and cycle infrastructure improvements on the Botley Road between Abbey Road and Becket Street (the rail station junction) as advertised:


a) Humped Toucan Crossing (a raised signalled crossing for use by pedestrians & pedal cyclists), approximately 10 metres west of the junction with Mill Street (speed table extends 25m east of Mill Street),


b) Raised side road entry treatments across Abbey Road, Cripley Road and Mill Street at their junctions with the A420 Botley Road,


c) Conversion of the existing footways on both sides of the A420 Botley Road to shared use footway cycle-track between the junctions of Abbey Road & Frideswide Square,


d) Raised uncontrolled pedestrian crossing points at the following locations:

i. minor relocation of the existing crossing point on Botley Road, immediately west of its junction with the rail station access,

ii. provision of a new raised crossing point of the rail station access at its junction with Frideswide Square,

iii. widening of the existing raised crossing point on Becket Street at its junction with Frideswide Square.


e) Delegate officers to continue working with Network Rail to finalise the detailed design of the improvements to be submitted to the county council as part of the Section 278 highways approval process.



Report author: Julian Richardson

Publication date: 23/05/2024

Date of decision: 23/05/2024

Decided at meeting: 23/05/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Effective from: 31/05/2024

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