Agenda item

The Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children's Board Annual Reports (including Board, Quality Assurance and Case Review Work)

Cabinet Member: Children & Family Services/Education & Cultural Services

Forward Plan Ref: 2020/083

Contact: Kay Bishop, OSCD Business Manager Tel: 07786 692370


Report by Independent Chair of Oxfordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board (CA11).


he OSCB Annual Report sets out the challenges of the ongoing demand on the system with neglect being a key feature; the need to keep children safe in full-time education and the contextual safeguarding risks that exist for children outside of their home environment. The report acknowledges that, as ‘system issues’, they will need ‘system leaders’ e.g. political leaders, headteachers, senior managers to bring a collective focus on them to deliver change.  The report also highlights a number of examples of good practice including the increase in support to families at an early stage; the multi-agency practice guides following case review and audits; the escalation of safeguarding issues to board level and the safeguarding training of approximately 10,000 local practitioners.


The Performance Audit and Quality Assurance subgroup scrutinizes the effectiveness of safeguarding practice. This annual report summarises the common themes for learning and improvement to support vulnerable children. It concludes that challenges for the safeguarding partnership are to not lose sight of the individual needs of children; to keep children safe from neglect and to take individual responsibility for our role in the safeguarding partnership. The report has evidence of high standards of partnership working and acknowledges the complex challenges faced by workers.  


The Case Review and Governance Annual report outlines the framework in terms of Child Practice Safeguarding Reviews. It summarises the learning from all case reviews and reflects that the findings are not dissimilar to those of the National Triennial Review of cases e.g. neglect, difficult family circumstances, the vulnerability of adolescents and the role of schools in keeping children safe. It provides links to the ten most common learning points and practice improvement guides.


Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the reports.



The OSCB’s remit is to co-ordinate and ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each agency on the Board for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in Oxfordshire. Cabinet had before them the annual report summarising the key achievements in the last year and providing an analysis of safeguarding arrangements.


Cabinet also considered two further supporting annual reports: the Performance, Audit & Quality Assurance Annual Report and the Case Review & Governance Annual Report.


Councillor Liz Brighouse, Chairman of Performance Scrutiny Committee commended the report and thanked Richard Simpson as the former Chairman of the OSCB for the enormous difference he had made during his time as Chairman.


Councillor Harrod, Cabinet member for Children & Family Services echoed the thanks to Richard and introduced Jabe Portman in her role as Interim Independent Chairman. Councillor Harrod thanked Kay Bishop and the Team for a vastly improved format for the annual report.


Jane Portman, Tan Lea and Lara Patel introduced the contents of the three reports.


RESOLVED:             to note the reports.

The OSCB’s remit is to co-ordinate and ensure the effectiveness of what is done by each agency on the Board for the purposes of safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children in Oxfordshire. Cabinet welcomed the annual report summarising the key achievements in the last year and providing an analysis of safeguarding arrangements.


Cabinet also noted two further supporting annual reports: the Performance, Audit & Quality Assurance Annual Report and the Case Review & Governance Annual Report.

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