Agenda item

Update on Community Speedwatch

An update report is provided by the PCC on Community Speedwatch in Thames Valley.


The Panel was provided with a report which updated Members on the progress made in relation to implementing Community Speedwatch in the Thames Valley. 


The PCC informed the Panel that the aim of Community Speedwatch was to empower community groups to educate road users about safer speeds and to provide valuable data to the police.


Some of the improvements to the scheme would include:

·       Day to day operation would be supported by Community Speedwatch Online, which provided an online platform for registration, training, session planning, data entry and analysis.

·       Clearer promotion of the scheme with a single point of contact.

·       Speed detection devices and other equipment could be provided to start-up groups on a loan basis and funded by the OPCC (subject to demand and ongoing funding availability).

·       Regular communication with volunteers, improved training, improved processes to provide for better enforcement by police for persistent offenders.

·       Better use of data to assist with police enforcement.

·       Improved training for neighbourhood teams to support Community Speedwatch


The Panel was informed that there were 25 groups currently operating under the new pilot scheme in Wycombe and South & Vale LPAs. It was planned to roll out the scheme in a phased approach, across the Thames Valley in Spring 2022.


In relation to enforcement, neighbourhood teams and then Roads Policing would go out and focus on problem areas and if there was a still a problem, conversations could take place with local authorities to look at preventative measures to slow traffic down. The possession of data would act as an evidence base to enable action to be taken.


Members’ Questions


(1)  With local communities involved in the scheme and providing that local knowledge of sites where speeding occurs, how will the PCC ensure the data collected by these local groups is used effectively to enable enforcement? 


[The PCC replied that the system provided a technical link from the system the Police used for issuing speeding letters and the Community Speedwatch online.]


(2)  The PCC was asked whether ANPR technology could be used for educating drivers about speeding, which included for example, driving too close to cyclists did agree.


[The PCC commented that he agreed that poor driving needed to be addressed, including driving too close to cyclists, but he was not sure that ANPR was the answer for this as he was not sure the nature of the technology would allow it as things stand.]


(3)  Could the PCC produce an explanation of his ambitions on Community Speedwatch to enable Parish Councils to build into their budgetary cycle, the funding required to purchase equipment for the scheme?


[The PCC replied that budgetary cycles were important and communication regarding the scheme would come out early next calendar year. The PCC’s personal ambition was to fund these speed cameras, however, he had to be realistic regarding financial constraints. It could be that equipment could be loaned out to Parish Councils. All would be revealed early next year.]


RESOLVED – That the report of the PCC be noted.

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