Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 26 August 2005


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Division(s): N/A




Report by Head of Finance and Procurement


  1. The Local Government Pension Scheme (LGPS) Regulations state that if a member dies, the administering authority has absolute discretion to make payments to or for the benefit of the member's nominee or personal representatives or to any person appearing to the authority to have been her/his relative or dependant at any time. The Regulations also state that if the administering authority has not made payments equalling in aggregate the member’s death grant before the expiry of the 2-year period, it must pay the shortfall to the member’s personal representatives.
  2. Since 1998 Pension Services have asked members to complete expression of wish forms identifying beneficiaries so that payment of the death grant can be made quickly and in accordance with their wishes. Scheme members are encouraged to keep their nominations up to date.
  3. In the event of a death, where no expression of wish form has been completed, Pension Services have asked for copies of the letters of administration or probate to be able to determine who is the executor of the estate.
  4. Pension Services have also requested copies of the letters of administration or probate to determine who has been granted a legal responsibility for administering the deceased’s affairs in the event of any part payment being outstanding for two years after the date of death.
  5. Contested Payment

  6. An employee retired from one of the participating authorities to the Fund on the grounds of ill health in April 2004 and subsequently died in June 2004. She had completed an expression of wish form nominating her daughter as her only beneficiary. Since her family had not contacted Pension Services, Pension Services advised the administrators that a small death grant is payable (£551) to her daughter. Her daughter now lives abroad in the care of her father and receives a child’s pension from the Oxfordshire Pension Fund.
  7. The administrators of the Estate then advised Pension Services that she had a son and they wished to clarify whether the payment of the death grant would be split between her son and daughter, or payable solely to her daughter as per the nomination form. This was to be discussed at a meeting with her sister and son to ascertain whether they accepted that payment of the death grant should be made solely to her daughter since her daughter is not named on the grant of probate and will not benefit should the death grant be paid to the estate.
  8. The administrators of the Estate have now advised Pension Services that her son has instructed them to challenge the payment of the death grant to his sister.
  9. Pension Services have sought and received confirmation from the administrators of the Estate of all claimants they feel may satisfy the criteria in paragraph 1. This states that both her son and daughter are eligible. Her son is aged over 18 and in full time employment and is, therefore, ineligible for payment of a child’s pension.

  11. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:
          1. decide how the contested payment should be administered / paid;
          2. endorse current procedures.

Head of Finance & Procurement

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officers: Sally Fox Tel: (01865) 816080

August 2005

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