Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 24 May 2002


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Report by Director for Strategy and Director for Business Support & County Treasurer


  1. Since the change in the political structures of the Council the arrangements for the approval of early retirements have been the subject of some debate. As a result the Pensions Benefits Sub-Committee asked for a report which sets down revised arrangements for the approval of early retirements. This report responds to that request and has been the subject of consultation with all Directors.
  2. Proposed Arrangements

  3. The following proposed arrangements aim to balance the need for appropriate controls by the Pensions Benefits Sub-Committee with the desire to keep referrals to the Sub-Committee to a minimum commensurate with this requirement.
  4. The proposed revised arrangements are as follows:
    1. Redundancies
    2. All early retirements involving a redundancy payment will be submitted to Pensions Benefits Sub-Committee for approval.

    3. Early retirements on the grounds of efficiency of the service for officers paid on Chief Officer and related pay scales or equivalent.
    4. All early retirements on the grounds of efficiency for officers in this category will be submitted for approval to Pensions Benefits Sub-Committee.

    5. Retirements on the grounds of efficiency of the service for other staff
    6. Where the annual cost of the retirement is greater than £5000, or where, in exceptional circumstances, an enhancement of pension benefit is proposed, the early retirement will be submitted to Pensions Benefits Sub-Committee for approval. (The annual cost of the retirement is defined in the case of teachers as ‘the Local Education Authority contribution to the applicant’s annual pension’ and, in the case of all other staff, ‘the annual hidden cost during the pre-normal retirement period’.)

      Early retirements on the grounds of efficiency which do not fall into this category will be approved by the concurrence of the appropriate Director, the Head of County Personnel and the Director for Business Support. Where this concurrence cannot be agreed the case will be submitted to the Pensions Benefits Sub-Committee for decision.

    7. Other non-ill health early retirements including applications from individuals which are not supported by the Director.
    8. Early retirements that do not fall in the categories specified in paragraphs a-c above will be considered by Pension Benefits Sub-Committee.

    9. Ill Health Retirements
    10. Early retirements on the grounds of permanent ill health will continue to be agreed by the appropriate Director, with the concurrence of the Head of County Personnel, and are subject to the production of the appropriate certificate by the Council’s medical adviser after alternative re-deployment has been explored and found to be discounted.

    11. ‘Normal’ Retirements

    Retirements which do not involve the early payment of pension are not affected by these arrangements.


  5. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to approve the proposed revised arrangements for the approval of early retirements.

Director for Strategy

Director for Business Support & County Treasurer

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May 2002

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