Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 24 February 2006


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Division(s): N/A




Report by the Head of Finance & Procurement


  1. Following the issue of amending regulation (effective from 1 June 2004) a report was submitted to Committee in May 2004 detailing the options available for dealing with first and second stage complaints under the Internal Dispute Resolution Procedure (IDRP).
  2. The Committee accepted the recommendations that first stage complaints would be dealt with by the Head of Finance, supported by the Human Resources Manager when appropriate.
  3. Second stage complaints were to be dealt with by a person specifically employed for this role. The ODPM guidance suggested that the administering authority may not delegate the decision-making role outside of the authority. The administering authority could appoint someone who fulfils the criteria (of having a good working knowledge of the LGPS regulations and an understanding of the administrative procedures). This could be arranged though an appointment on a retainer, with payment for work carried out for duties on an hourly rate.
  4. A contract of employment was subsequently issued to Mr Langridge who was the then current "appointed person" who was independent of the authority. The arrangements have worked well to date.
  5. I am sorry to have to inform the Committee that Mr Langridge died in December 2005.
  6. This report is to seek Committee approval on the future arrangements.
  7. Options Considered

  8. In seeking to fill this vacancy we considered how we could find someone with the necessary skills for this role.
  9. Therefore we asked other County Councils about their arrangements for hearing stage 2 disputes, but there was a poor response and those who did respond were in a similar situation to ourselves.
  10. We also asked our actuaries, Hewitt, Bacon and Woodrow if they provided this service. Their response was that this was no longer available to their clients since their legal team was disbanded.
  11. Oxfordshire County Council Legal Services were also asked if they would be willing to provide this service, but were unable to take on the additional workload.
  12. The County HR Manager has, through her professional contacts, received names of several possible candidates for this role.
  13. Next Stage

  14. Given the fact that the previous arrangements had been seen to be working well, and the lack of any obvious alternative, it is proposed to make a like for like replacement. The County HR Manager will, shortly, be arranging a selection process for the candidates.
  15. Details will be reported to Committee when the selection process has been completed.

  17. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to endorse the approach to appoint a new stage two nominated person.

Head of Finance & Procurement

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Sally Fox Tel: 01865 816080

February 2006

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