Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 22 February 2002


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Report by the Acting Chief Education Officer


  1. At the last meeting of this Committee the Scheme (attached at Annex 1) was renewed until 30 April, 2002. This report asks members to consider what Scheme should be in place with effect from 1 May, 2002.
  2. The current Scheme allows teachers to apply for retirement on the grounds of the "efficient exercise of the Authority’s function" at the age of 57. However, it also allows teachers to retire at age 55 "in cases where there is a national scheme available to subsidise the costs borne by the Council" (paragraph 3.5 of the Scheme)
  3. For the two years April 2000 to March 2002 the Standards Fund has paid for up to half the capitalised costs of allowing Headteachers to retire from the age of 55 under strictly defined circumstances. This allocation will not be available after 31 March 2002 and, if we were to continue with such a scheme for Headteachers, the full cost would fall to the Council.
  4. Teacher unions were consulted about the possibility of continuing such a Scheme for Headteachers but did not feel able to support a proposal which treated Headteachers differently from other teachers.
  5. Proposals

  6. There are rare occasions when it is apparent that the early retirement of a teacher would be likely to have a positive impact on the performance of the school. This is more likely to be true of Headteachers than other teachers within the school. It is therefore proposed that the Scheme should include a clause which makes it clear that cases which fall outside the Scheme as it stands, will be considered by the Pension Fund Sub-Committee on the recommendation of the Chief Education Officer.
  7. Cases would only be recommended for approval where

    • the teacher is age 50 or above;
    • there is objective evidence that his or her premature retirement would have a positive impact on the performance of the school;
    • the teacher is not subject to Professional Capability procedures;
    • funding can be found within the Education Department budget;
    • all other statutory requirements are met.

  1. Members already have the discretion to consider any request for premature retirement which meets statutory requirements but it is suggested that, for the avoidance of doubt, this should be stated explicitly in the Scheme.
  2. It is proposed that paragraph 3.5 should not be deleted, in case the Standards Fund Scheme is reinstated at some future date, but that a new paragraph 1.5 should be added as follows: "Any requests for Premature Retirement which fall outside this Scheme will be considered by the appropriate Committee of the Council, together with a recommendation from the Chief Education Officer as to whether or not it should be supported. The financial and other implications of any such request will be taken into account."
  3. It is further proposed that the Scheme should be renewed to 31 December, 2003. This will allow City schools and City teachers, in particular, to plan ahead.

  5. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to renew the Premature Retirement Compensation Scheme for Teachers, amended as shown in paragraph 8 above, until 31 December, 2003.

Acting Chief Education Officer

Background papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Sue Tanner, Senior Education Officer Tel: (01865 815472

February 2002

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