Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Friday, 21 February 2003


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Report by Director for Business Support & County Treasurer


  1. At the Pension Fund Committee meeting held on 6 November 2002 members asked officers to invite suitably qualified consultants to assist the Committee in the tendering and appointment of a single global custodian.
  2. A global custodian is responsible for the safe keeping of assets, dividend and other income collection and settlement of trades in all asset classes and markets.
  3. The Pension Fund currently uses the custodial arms of its incumbent managers - Schroder Nominees Ltd for Schroders and Deutsche Bank AG for Deutsche Asset Management. Larger Investment Houses had traditionally provided joint management and custody arrangements for balanced fund mandates, and charged an all-inclusive fee for both services. However, there have recently been changes to this arrangement including the sale by Deutsche Bank of its custody operations to State Street Corporation.
  4. The Myners Report recommended that for larger institutional pension funds the appointment of a single global custodian is desirable.
  5. Implications of New Management Structure on Custody Arrangements

  6. The Oxfordshire Pension Fund’s new specialist management arrangements will comprise between four to six managers compared to the current arrangement of only two managers.
  7. Many of the smaller specialist managers do not provide custodial arrangements for their clients and quite rightly regard this as the responsibility of the client. Specialist management structures tend to generate more management changes over a given period and an independent custodian is more efficient in these circumstances.
  8. It is for the above reasons that the Oxfordshire Pension Fund agreed to appoint a single global custodian.
  9. Appointment of PSolve

  10. In October 2002 officers and Tony Bushell, the Independent Financial Adviser, received a presentation from PSolve, who are a pension fund consultant. PSolve have made significant advances in providing consultancy services in the local authority market over the last nine months and were successfully employed in Oxfordshire’s best value review of Pensions Administration. They were asked to provide details of their experience in dealing with the tendering arrangements and the appointment of a global custodian. They have recently carried out similar exercises for other local authority pension funds and satisfied officers and Independent Financial Adviser that they had the resources and expertise to assist the Fund in carrying out a thorough review.
  11. PSolve’s fee for carrying out this work is £11,000, which is lower than the fees charged by the mainstream actuarial consultants, and the officers were happy to appoint them on the basis of the quality of their service and competitive fee.
  12. Progress made to date

  13. The tender and appointment process is now well under way. We were advised by PSolve that only a handful of custodians were adequately resourced to manage a large institutional pension fund and consequently PSolve initially invited the following seven custodians to tender: -
  14. Citibank, Brown Brothers Harriman, State Street, Northern Trust, ABN AMRO Mellon, Bank of New York and HSBC.

    Citibank and Brown Brothers Harriman declined to tender on the grounds that the account is not large enough for them to be able to earn sufficient revenue.

  15. The evaluation process and any company visits should have taken place before the Pension Fund Committee on 21 February. Presentations and the final selection by the officers and Independent Financial Adviser are scheduled to take place in London on 28 February. It is suggested in the recommendation below that the appointment of the Global Custodian be left to the officers and the Independent Financial Adviser.

  17. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to authorise the Director for Business Support & County Treasurer, to be advised by the Independent Financial Adviser, to agree the appointment of a Global Custodian, for a period of three years, commencing from 1 April 2003.

Director for Business Support & County Treasurer

Background Papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Tony Wheeler, Directorate for Business Support Tel: (01865) 815287

February 2003.

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