Meeting documents

Pension Fund Committee
Monday, 7 October 2002


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Report by Director for Business Support & County Treasurer


  1. In August 2002 new Local Government Pension Scheme regulations came into force requiring administering authorities to prepare a revised Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) setting out the extent to which they comply with the ten investment principles contained in the CIPFA document "Principles for Investment Decision Making in the Local Government Pension Scheme in the UK" published in April 2002.
  2. The revised statements also require administering authorities to give their reasons in those cases where they do not comply with the principles.
  3. The CIPFA document was circulated to members at the beginning of May 2002. This was followed by a report to the Pension Fund Committee on 24 May 2002, which set out the Oxfordshire Pension Fund’s compliance with the Principles. This report included a compliance checklist and Oxfordshire graded its compliance against each checkpoint, under three different headings i.e. fully complied with, partially complied with and not complied with at all.
  4. Main Conclusions of the May 2002 Pension Fund Committee Report

  5. The report concluded that overall the Oxfordshire Pension Fund appeared to be complying with the ten principles, though there were a few exceptions. The asset liability study and the ongoing management structure review addressed many of the issues set out in the principles.
  6. However, there were several issues that we felt had not been fully addressed for one reason or another and two recommendations were subsequently passed at the meeting (see paragraph 9 below).
  7. Tony Wheeler reported that he was exploring various options for member training and since the report members have attended a series of seminars and training courses. However, it may be desirable to formalise the training process so as to ensure that members achieve a minimum level of expertise to enable them to take decisions or evaluate the advice they are given.
  8. One of the principles covers the subject of Activism. This is not solely concerned with a pension fund’s voting arrangements but also extends to its managers being proactive in their dealings with company managements. Myners recommends "trustees should ensure that managers have an explicit strategy, elucidating the circumstances in which they intervene in a company, the approach they will use in doing so, and how they measure the effectiveness of this strategy." This is a complex issue and we reported in May that we had not to date pursued this but would keep it under review. This position has not changed in the meantime and we feel it would be prudent to defer any decision on this until we receive further guidelines. An article that appeared in the weekend Financial Times on 15/16 June 2002 is shown in Annex 1. This reports on some of the discussions that have been taking place behind the scenes on this subject.
  9. In the May Committee report we also briefly reported on transaction costs and explained that Schroders had stopped the practice of using soft commissions and that Deutsche was also in the process of phasing these out. However, the CIPFA principles also discussed the need to understand all transaction related costs and the desirability of monitoring these. We do not do this at the moment but intend to do so once the investment management review has been completed.
  10. The two recommendations agreed by members at the May meeting were "to ask officers to draw up an annual business plan, which should contain financial estimates for the investment and administration of the Pension Fund and appropriate provision for member training" and "to ask officers to carry out a formal tender process for the Fund’s actuarial services in the summer of 2003."
  11. Revised Statement of Investment Principles

  12. Oxfordshire’s revised SIP is shown at Annex 2. It has been drawn up in accordance with the new Local Government Pension Scheme regulations, referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 above, and has also been updated in the light of the recent asset liability exercise.

  14. The Committee is RECOMMENDED to adopt the revised Statement of Investment Principles (SIP) set out in Annex 2 of this report.

Director for Business Support & County Treasurer

Background Papers: CIPFA Pensions Panel "Principles for Investment Decision Making in the Local Government Pension Scheme in the UK." The Financial Times.

Contact Officer: Tony Wheeler, Pension Fund Investments Manager, Tel (01865) 815287

September 2002

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