The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.
Officers noted the safety concerns relating to the visibility and stated that the developer was asked to complete a Road Safety Audit, which shared similar concerns over safety.
The Chair thanked officers and agreed to the recommendations in the report.
Approve the following parking restrictions on Elms Road in Thame, as advertised:
a) Formalise & extend the existing double yellow lines on the north side of the carriageway, from a point 25 metres northwest of the centre of the access junction to the Rectory residential development, south eastwards for a distance of approx. 58 metres, and
b) Formalise the existing double yellow lines on the south side of the carriageway, from a point 24 metres northwest of the centre of the access junction to the Rectory residential development, south eastwards for a distance of approx. 45 metres.