The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.
The Chair noted that the principal objection was from the Oxford Bus Company, which officers confirmed, in part, was the reason for the 4 exceptions in the recommendations, alongside considering road environments.
Officers emphasised the need to balance objectives, through the delivery of the County Council’s 20mph schemes and to encourage the use of bus travel.
The Chair stated that evidence was required from the bus companies to prove the cumulative effect on their services.
Officers noted that Lord Williams School was well connected to active travel routes.
The Chair referred to consultation responses in the report, including from the bus companies, active travel groups, local residents and students at local schools. The Chair particularly praised youth engagement in the consultation responses.
The Chair noted the support of Thame Town Council.
The Chair asked officers to take away the point surrounding reducing the areas cars can go and increasing pedestrian activity as part of wider thinking in relation to Oxfordshire’s market towns.
The Chair made it clear that he felt there was not sufficient evidence to not introduce 20mph speed limits at recommendation c) and d), and thus, he did not approve those two recommendations.
The Chair thanked officers and approved recommendations a) and b) but did not approve recommendations c) and d) in the report.
Approve the introduction of the amended 20mph speed limits in Thame as advertised excepting for the following roads:
a) B4445 Aylesbury Road – terminal point to be 60 metres north of its roundabout junction with Bell Lane & the B4445 North Street,
b) B4445 Chinnor Road – terminal point to be 25 metres southeast of its junction with Cotmore Gardens.
The Chair did not approve recommendation c) or recommendation d).
c) Kingsey Road - terminal point to be 40 metres east of its junction with Kings Road,
d) Oxford Road - terminal point to be 15 metres southwest of its junction with Fish Ponds Lane.