Agenda item

Oxford, Magdalen Road Area Controlled Parking Zone

Report by Head of Transport (TDC7)


This report outlines the statutory consultation process on the Draft Traffic Regulation Orders (TROs) for the proposed Divinity Road Area Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ). It provides information on the policy context, development of the process to date, an outline of the consultations carried out, specific issues that have been raised by the consultees and recommendations in light of responses received. Its content and recommendations are closely related to agenda item?? which contains a report on the consultation process for the proposed Magdalen Road Area Controlled Parking Zone.  Consultation on the zones was carried out simultaneously.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to:


(a)               approve the principle of a CPZ in the Magdalen Road Area on the basis of the current proposals, with the exception of removing the Iffley Fields area from the zone; and


(b)              authorise officers to advertise a new Traffic Regulation Order for the zone, excluding the Iffley Fields area and incorporating minor changes arising from responses to the formal consultation.




The Committee considered (TDC7) proposals to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in the Magdalen Road Area.


Nicholas Lawrence urged the Committee not to exclude Iffley Fields from the Magdalen Road CPZ feeling that the CPZ would be of benefit to the area by improving enforcement of footway parking and ensuring free and safe passage for emergency vehicles.


Clive Cowen stressed the importance of evening and weekend parking for the Samaritan organisation and asked the Committee to reconsider early evening restrictions or if that was not possible to consider the Samaritans as an exceptional case.


Louise Locock supported removal of Iffley Fields from the CPZ.


Rachel Humphreys supported removal of Iffley Fields from the proposed CPZ.  30% of parking space had been lost and residents could not afford to lose any more.


Sarah Wild opposed the proposals and echoed comments regarding the loss of 30% of parking space.  There was a need to retain the community and resist visitor parking permit limits which would seriously affect families with young children, the elderly and people working from home.  There was a need for more daytime parking.


Pete Crampton congratulated the Committee on the revised proposals for Iffley Fields.  There was a huge amount of opposition in Iffley Fields to the proposals which on a personal note would seriously affect his ability to work from home. He endorsed all the points raised by the previous 3 speakers.


Gaby Hook referred to the direct threat to businesses in Iffley Fields due to clients being unable to park.  She could not afford to use the allocation of 50 permits for that purpose and supported the recommendation to exclude Iffley Fields.


Mark Mason asked for more flexibility in the proposals suggesting shared spaces as a way forward.  Currently cars cruised the area looking for spaces and drivers left their cars for a long time.  Students made a huge difference to the situation during term time.  He asked the Committee to amend the proposals or reject them.


Dennis Pratley suggested that anyone with local knowledge of the area would never have recommended this as a solution.  Significant over development in the area had brought its own problems but the proposals before the Committee represented a real threat to local businesses and he urged the Committee to reject the scheme.


Barry Allday also referred to the threat to local businesses whose needs he felt had not been adequately considered. No parking meant no customers and an uncertain future.  He asked why Magdalen Road could not be excluded in the same way as Iffley Fields and suggested that it was the presence of  students not commuters that created problems.


Corrine Grimley-Evans objected to certain aspects of the scheme and asked that the Committee defer the proposals.  It was unjust that pedestrians had to forfeit pavement space to cars and this represented a huge concern to the elderly and infirm.  Legitimising pavement parking here would result in the spread of similar practices throughout the City.  There should be a rigorous appraisal  to guage the effect on pedestrians and enforcement of pavement parking.


City Councillor David Williams did not consider there was a need for a CPZ and if the scheme proceeded it would make matters worse.  There was a need for more public transport and concerns regarding the effect of pavement parking on the flow of emergency vehicles.  He supported the exclusion of Iffley Fields and suggested the exclusion of Magdalen Road itself to enable further detailed discussions to take place with residents and local businesses.


Georgina Gibbs considered CPZs to be a money making exercise.  She did not accept that there were any problems with any of the areas proposed for CPZs and endorsed the view that students created the major problem.


Nicholas Fell endorsed the concerns expressed by local businessmen and advised that he had submitted a set of parking restrictions to the Head of Transport but as yet had had no response.  He considered that capacity changed throughout the year and he could not accept why a CPZ was needed to address that.


Eka Morgan supported the CPZ and asked for introduction without delay citing problems at Helen and Douglas House Hospice and Hertford Street where scars were parked dangerously.  Many streets were at full capacity and something needed to be done.


County Councillor Larry Sanders thanked officers and Councillors for listening to the concerns of residents of Iffley Fields.  There were tremendous problems throughout the remainder of the area where a CPZ was needed.  However, there were other areas where it was not.  He agreed with comments regarding the effect of students and supported 1 visitor permit per household and referred to problems of illegal pavement parking but felt that legalising that situation could be more problematic.


Joy White addressed a number of issues raised.


Bays would be made available for the Samaritans after 6.30 pm.


There would be a need to look at localised parking restrictions in Iffley Fileds to address risk of overspill parking in that area.


It was agreed that there might be less parking during the day but the purpose of a CPZ was ro reduce commuter parking.


There was a need to restrict visitor permits in order to prevent a return to current problems although the issue would be looked at at a future date.


It was difficult to meet everyone’s individual needs and there would be problems for some but as had been recognised there was a need to do something to improve the situation which existed for example in St Mary’s Road.


There would be a review of enforcement.


Confirmed there would be delays in the introduction of the proposals because of the need to reconsult following the exclusion of Iffley Fields from the original scheme..


Councillor Rose and Councillor Hudspeth thanked all the speakers for their contributions and the officers for their work in bringing forward the proposals.  They were mindful of the concerns of many including residents and local businesses but there was considerable pressure on this area from car traffic and this needed to be resolved.  It was accepted that not everyone would be supportive and it would be impossible to resolve the diversity of views which existed and resolve the issue of student numbers. There would be increased enforcement and whilst not agreeing wholly with pavement parking that situation needed to be regularised.  There were concerns regarding displacement parking.  Consultation had been thorough and full.


RESOLVED:      to


(a)               approve the principle of a CPZ in the Magdalen Road Area on the basis of the current proposals, with the exception of removing the Iffley Fields area from the zone; and


(b)               authorise officers to advertise a new Traffic Regulation Order for the zone, excluding the Iffley Fields area and incorporating minor changes arising from responses to the formal consultation.

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