Agenda item

Land at Bridge Farm Quarry, Sutton Courtenay

Developments proposed:


1)    To haul phase 5 and 6 mineral across B4016 and to import inert fill to effect approved restoration scheme in phase 5.


2)    Section 73A application to continue the development permitted by planning permission no. MW.0049/19 (P19/V1273/CM) (for Small extension to Bridge Farm Quarry to extract sand and gravel and restoration to agriculture and lakes with reed fringes) without complying with conditions 2, 39 and 42 to extend the date for final restoration and to reflect the relevant amended restoration design.


Report by Head of Strategic Planning.






A - Application MW.0048/19 be APPROVED subject to


  1. A routeing agreement to ensure that HGVs transporting inert waste to the site comply with the existing routeing requirements for HGVs exporting mineral to access the site via the Didcot Perimeter Road.
  2. A section 106 agreement requiring (a) the works to the highway (staggered signalized junction incorporating MOVA) to be completed prior to the commencement of development and (b) works to restore the highway at the crossing point being undertaken following the completion of the development.


And to conditions to be determined by the Head of Strategic Planning to include those set out in Annex 2.


B - Application MW.0067/22 be APPROVED subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Strategic Planning to include those set out in Annex 3.




The Planning Development Manager introduced the subsequent two applications for the land at Bridge Farm Quarry, Sutton Courtenay and advised that these were in respect of MW.0048/19 for the removal of mineral from phases 5 & 6 across the B4016 by road and the importation of inert fill material for the restoration of phase 5 which was recommended for approval subject to a routeing agreement to ensure that HGVs transporting inert waste to the site comply with the existing routeing requirements, and a Section 106 agreement requiring (a) works to the highway be completed prior to the commencement of development and (b) work to restore the highway at the crossing point be undertaken following the completion of the development.  And application MW.0067/22 for the variation of conditions 2, 39 and 42 of permissions no. MW.0049/19 to extend the date for final restoration and minor amendments to the site’s restoration be approved subject to the conditions to be determined by the Head of Strategic Planning to include those set out in Annex 3.


The recommendation to the Committee was as follows:


A – Application MW.0048/19 be APPROVED subject to

1.     A routeing agreement to ensure that HGVs transporting inert waste to the site comply with the existing routeing requirements for HGVs exporting mineral to access the site via the Didcot Perimeter Road.

2.     A section 106 agreement requiring (a) the works to the highway (staggered signalised junction incorporating MOVA) to be completed prior to the commencement of development and (b) works to restore the highway at the crossing point being undertaken following the completion of the development.

And to conditions to be determined by the Head of Strategic Planning to include those set out in Annex 2.


B – Application MW.0067/22 be APPROVED subject to conditions to be determined by the Head of Strategic Planning to include those set out in Annex 3.


Cllr Gawrysiak proposed the motion to approve the applications, which were seconded by Cllr Snowdon. 


During debate the following was noted:


·       The Committee wished to strictly enforce an end date of 31 December 2025 for completion of the whole site and requested an informative be attached to the decision notices without prejudice to the determination of any future planning application, that the applicant be advised that the Council is of the view that the completion of the development and restoration of the quarry is long outstanding and trusts that the commitments made on behalf of the applicant to the completion of the development and restoration of the quarry in the timescale permitted will be met.

·       The Committee were able to set its own monitoring schedule, and whilst not able to set it as a condition to the application, could record for the minutes and would recommend this to be four times a year.

·       The Committee did not wish to make any change to condition 5 of Annex 2, for application MW.0048/19 to change the times that operations could be carried out.


RESOLVED: that the planning applications MW.0048/19 and MW.0067/22 be APPROVED in the case of application MW.0048/19 subject to the routeing agreement and section 106 agreement described in the officers’ recommendation and in the case of application MW.0067/22 an informative that the committee trusted that the commitments made to completion of the development and restoration by the end date of 31 December 2025 would be met.

Supporting documents: