Report by Executive Director of Resources.
This report presents a summary of activity against the Counter Fraud Plan for 2023/24, which was previously presented to the July 2023 Audit & Governance committee meeting.
The report also presents the Counter Fraud Plan for the coming year 2024/25.
The Counter Fraud plan supports the Council’s Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy by ensuring that the Council has proportionate and effective resources and controls in place to prevent and detect fraud as well as investigate those matters that do arise.
The Committee is RECOMMENDED to
a) Note the summary of activity against the Counter Fraud Plan for
b) Approve the Counter Fraud Plan for 2024/25.
The report was presented by the Chief Internal Auditor and the Counter Fraud Team Manager. Firstly, two corrections were highlighted in the report; paragraph 11, in the top paragraph, the 6 should read as 7 and paragraph 12; in the very top box, it should read 5 cases instead of 2 cases.
This report presented a summary of activity against the Counter Fraud Plan for 2023/24, which was previously presented to the July 2023 Audit & Governance Committee meeting. The report also presented the Counter Fraud Plan for the coming year 2024/25. The Counter Fraud plan supported the Council’s Anti-Fraud and Corruption Strategy by ensuring that the Council had proportionate and effective resources and controls in place to prevent and detect fraud as well as investigate those matters that did arise.
An update was provided to the Committee on the resources of the team. No services were now provided to District Councils, so the team had more capacity. The Team was working on a lot of reactive work, and this could be more resource intensive, and it could not be planned for. The prevention work had got better and hopefully this would be reflected in the plan for the year ahead. The use of data analytics and the work on counter fraud, an officer was now working across both areas, and this was being used to improve the audit assurance. The Senior Counter Fraud Officer had now qualified. The Team was now stable. The Chief Internal Auditor was very confident about delivering the plan for the year ahead.
Members raised the following points:
RESOLVED: that the Committee a) noted the summary of activity against the Counter Fraud Plan for 2023/24 and b) Approved the Counter Fraud Plan for 2024/25.
Supporting documents: