Agenda item

County Speed Limit Review

Forward Plan Ref: 2009/103

Contact: Mike Collins, Principal Engineer (01865 815877)

10.05 am


Report by Head of Transport (TDC6)


The Committee considered a review of speed limits on A and B roads in accordance with Department for Transport advice and recommendations of the County Speed Reference Group.


Andy Smith called for introduction of a 40 limit on the B4022 and referred to the high accident record, which had included a number of fatalities. The road profile exacerbated the dangers with a number of long straights, blind bends and dips with many accesses to adjacent businesses and residential properties.  There was strong local support for a 40 mph restriction.


Paul Bennett supported calls for a reduction to 40 mph on the B4022.  There had been a total of 147 accidents in the last 10 years including 8 fatalities the last of which had unfortunately involved his wife.  He said that the Committee were in a position to do something to help save lives and avoid the devastating caused by these accidents.


Harry St John called for a 40 mph restriction along the whole length of the A4095 from the end of Long Hanborough through to Common Road, North Leigh.  Doing so would achieve a consistent limit throughout and recognise overwhelming local support for such a reduction.


Mr Law supported the 50 mph restriction proposed for the A4183 between Boars Hill and Abingdon but felt a 40 mph restriction would be more appropriate and that urgent consideration should be given to a further reduction.


Councillor Fatemian endorsed the comments made by Mr Law.  Local parish Councils supported a 40 mph restriction which represented a sensible compromise and presented a consistent restriction throughout the length of road.


Graham Jones supported an extension of the 40 mph restriction on A40 Elsfield Way between Sunderland Avenue/Cutteslowe roundabout to beyond the pedestrian bridge to cover access to Cutteslowe Park.


Councillor Fooks endorsed the comments for a 40 mph restriction on A40 beyond the Cutteslowe Park access along with increased enforcement and signing.


Councillor Goddard also endorsed calls to extend the 40 mph restriction on A40 past the Cutteslowe Park access.  It was not feasible to expect provision of a deceleration lane into the park so introduction of a lower limit would represent a sensible and acceptable compromise.


Councillor Lindsay-Gale supported calls for a lower limit to at least 40 mph on the B4015 between Clifton Hampden and Chiselhampton but would prefer a 30 mph restriction due to the road profile which included some dangerous bends which, with vehicle speed, had contributed to a high and constant accident record.


Councillor David Turner called for retention of the current 30 mph restriction on A329 at Milton Common.  The accident record at this spot had reduced considerably following the reduction to 30 but if raised to 40 mph could, in his opinion, see a return to previously unacceptable limits.  He endorsed  comments by Councillor Lindsay-Gale regarding the B4015 and supported retention of the current 30 restriction on A40 NE of A329, proposals for A418 at Tiddington and B480 between Stadhampton and Watlington.


The Committee felt on the balance that the majority of schemes proposed in the report were acceptable but that some warranted further investigation.


A40 East of Cutteslowe - as any extension to the proposed scheme would require further consultation the best option, therefore, would be to implement a 50 mph restriction as advertised but carry out investigations into provision of flashing warning signs along with monitoring of the effect of the restriction in the short term.


A329 and A40 at Milton Common - to implement the proposals as advertised but with monitoring to guage effect.


A4155 between Shiplake and Lower Shiplake - not to implement proposals for a 40 restriction but retain the 30 limit.


B4015 between Clifton Hampden and Chiselhampton - to implement proposals as advertised but carry out further investigatations to guage effect.


B4493 between the A4130 and Foxhall Road - to readvertise the proposal to introduce a 40 restriction in order to take account of the Great Western Park junction.


A338 South of Wantage 50 mph (with a 40 mph restriction on part of Manor Road) – withdraw the proposal as the order had not gone to formal consultation.


Hanney to Steventon Road 50 mph - proceed with advertised proposal but investigate whether anything else could be done.


A4095 North leigh (40 mph by Park Road/business park) and B4022 between Charlbury and Hailey 50 mph (existing 40 mph limit at Finstock to remain) - implement proposals but with further investigation on both to establish if anything else could be done.  The latter to be further investigated in the light of comments made at the meeting by Parish Council representatives and members of the public.




(a)               approve implementation of the speed limit orders as detailed in Annex 1 to the report TDC4 subject to:


(i)                 A40 east of Cutteslowe roundabout (to just east of the access to Cutteslowe Park: 50 mph limit with minor extension of 30 mph limit to east of Cutteslowe roundabout  further investigation of flashing signs and monitoring of affect of the 50 limit in the short term;


(ii)               A329 at Milton Common: increase in current 30 mph limit to 40 mph further monitoring;


(iii)       A40 at Milton Common: Increase in current 30 mph to 40 mph NE of A329 monitoring to assess effect on reduced accident limit;


(iii)             B4015 between Clifton Hampden and Chiselhampton: 50 mph Limit further investigation to evaluate optimum limit;


(iv)              Hanney to Steventon Road: 50 mph limit further investigation into what other measures ccould be undertaken;


(v)                A4095 at North leigh: 40 mph limit by Park Road/business park further investigation;


(vi)       B4022 between Charlbury and Hailey – 50 mph limit (existing 40 mph limit at Finstock to remain) further investigationin the light of comments received;


(b)       B4493 between the A4130 and Foxhall Road: 40 mph Limit – to readvertise the proposal to take into account effects of the Great Western Park junction;


(c)        not to implement proposals to increase the existing limit on A4155 between Shiplake and Lower Shiplake from 30 mph limit to 40 mph;


(d)       to withdraw proposals for A338 South of Wantage: 50 mph limit (with 40 mph limit on part of Manor Road) to enable formal  consultation on the proposal;


(e)       authorise the Head of Transport, in consultation with the Cabinet Member for Transport Implementation, to agree those schemes offering value for money.

Supporting documents: