Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Adult Services - Tuesday, 5 January 2010 12.20 pm

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Kath Coldwell  Tel: (01865) 815902; E-Mail:

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


Questions from County Councillors

Any county councillor may, by giving notice to the Proper Officer by 9 am on the working day before the meeting, ask a question on any matter in respect of the Cabinet Member’s delegated powers.


The number of questions which may be asked by any councillor at any one meeting is limited to two (or one question with notice and a supplementary question at the meeting) and the time for questions will be limited to 30 minutes in total. As with questions at Council, any questions which remain unanswered at the end of this item will receive a written response.


Questions received after the despatch of the agenda, but before the deadline, will be shown on the Schedule of Addenda circulated at the meeting, together with any written response which is available at that time.



Petitions and Public Address


Oxfordshire Care Partnership Contract Stage 2 Redevelopment Proposals and Programme pdf icon PDF 109 KB



Contact Officer: Laurence Dowden, Service Manager, Major Projects, Social & Community Services, Tel: (07768) 030376


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services is RECOMMENDED to approve:


a)     the overall Oxfordshire Care Partnership (OCP) Contract Stage 2 Redevelopment Proposal and Implementation Programme key dates as set out in Annex 1 to the report;


b)    the principle that the Cabinet Member for Adult Services should give formal approval to the final proposal for each individual OCP Stage 2 care home prior to full implementation of the element of the programme which impacts directly upon that care home.

























Additional documents:








