Agenda and minutes

Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Adult Services - Tuesday, 2 March 2010 12.00 pm

Venue: County Hall

Contact: Kath Coldwell  Tel: (01865) 815902; E-Mail:

No. Item


Oxfordshire Carer's Centre pdf icon PDF 98 KB

Contact Officers: John Pearce, Service Manager, Strategic Commissioning, Tel: (01865) 323619; Lajla Johansson, Services and Policy Development Manager, Tel: (01865) 323622

12:00 pm


The Cabinet Member for Adult Services is RECOMMENDED to approve an exemption from the tendering requirements of the County Council’s Contract Procedure Rules, to enable the Council to award a one-year extension of existing contracts to North & West Carers Centre, Oxford City Carers Centre and South and Vale Carers Centre, to 31 March 2011, in order to ensure service continuity, subject to a full tender process being carried out within the 1 year period of the interim contract.


Additional documents:


To approve an exemption from the tendering requirements of the County Council’s Contract Procedure Rules, to enable the Council to award a one-year extension of existing contracts to North & West Carers Centre, Oxford City Carers Centre and South and Vale Carers Centre, to 31 March 2011, in order to ensure service continuity, subject to a full tender process being carried out within the 1 year period of the interim contract.