Agenda and minutes

Standards Committee - Thursday, 26 May 2011 2.00 pm

Venue: County Hall, New Road, Oxford

Contact: Sue Whitehead  Tel: (01865) 810262; E-mail:

No. Item


Election of a Chairman for the 2011/12 Council Year


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Bolster, seconded by Councillor Badcock and carried nem. con.) that Ms. A. Griffiths be elected Chairman for the 2011/12 Council Year. 


Election of a Deputy Chairman for the 2011/12 Council Year


RESOLVED: (on a motion by Councillor Bolster, seconded by Councillor Badcock and carried nem. con.) that Dr. N. Alphey be elected Deputy Chairman for the 2011/12 Council Year. 


Subordinate Bodies

The Committee is asked to note that the following existing subordinate bodies fall within the responsibility of this Committee. Appointments to them are not needed at the present time.


Initial Assessment Panel

Two Councillors and 1 independent member of the Committee (drawn from the membership of the Committee) 

Review Panel

Two Councillors and 1 independent member of the Committee (drawn from the membership of the Committee) 

Hearings Panel

Two Councillor members of the Committee and 1 independent member of the Committee (may comprise more than three members of the Committee, up to and including the whole membership of the Committee)

Dispensations Sub-Committee

Membership to be a minimum of three members of the Committee (including one independent member of the Committee)




RESOLVED: to note that the subordinate bodies shown on the Agenda fell within the responsibility of this Committee and that appointments to them were not needed at the present time.   


Apologies for Absence


Apology from:

Councillor Ann Bonner

Councillor Mrs. C. Fulljames

Councillor David Robertson



Minutes pdf icon PDF 84 KB

To approve the minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2010(ST6) and to receive for information any matters arising on them.



The Minutes of the meeting held on 24 June 2010 (ST6)  were approved and signed.


Minute 46/10 (vetting & barring scheme)

The Monitoring Officer undertook to update the position as details became available.


Meeting Rooms

Councillor Seale understood that it was possible for proceedings in the Committee Rooms to be heard outside the Rooms - through for example a hearing aid.  This would be a matter of concern particularly in the case of private discussions.   Officers were asked to investigate. 


Annual Report of the Committee 2010/2011 pdf icon PDF 113 KB

Report by the Chairman of the Standards Committee (ST8)

The report summarises the work of the Committee over the last year. Council will consider the report at its meeting on 14 June 2011.

The Committee is RECOMMENDED to consider and endorse the report.



Ms. Griffiths, Chairman of the Committee presented her Annual Report (ST8) which summarised the work of the Committee over the last year. Council would consider the report at its meeting on 14 June 2011.


RESOLVED: to endorse the report and thank the Chairman for her work and the report.



Annual Monitoring Officer Report pdf icon PDF 116 KB

Report by the Monitoring Officer and County Solicitor


The Monitoring Officer reports annually to the Standards Committee on governance and conduct issues.  This report summarises progress, developments and the changing context over the past year. 


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to consider and endorse the report.



The Committee considered the Annual Monitoring Officer Report (ST9).


The following key matters arose during debate:


In relation to declarations of gifts & hospitality:

  • Members asked how long declarations stayed on the Register.  Officers were asked to remind members.
  • Officers were asked to clarify the position about requirements for declaration where a councillor was a member of more than one council.



Officers were asked to clarify the ‘call-in’ process where a scrutiny committee had provided recommendation/advice/comment on the topic to Cabinet prior to Cabinet consideration.


Paragraph 32 (informal resolution of issues of concern):

Members considered that it would be helpful to include in the Report the number of these issues in future.


Officers were asked to remind / update members on the current definition of ‘bribery’.


RESOLVED: to endorse the Monitoring Officer Report and  thank the Monitoring Officer and team for their report and work  .


Guidance Document: Members on Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 138 KB

The Monitoring Officer has produced draft guidance to assist councillors with their roles and responsibilities for Councillors appointed to represent the Council on Outside Bodies.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to consider and endorse the guidance to members.


The Committee considered draft guidance (ST10) which the Monitoring Officer had produced to assist councillors with their roles and responsibilities for Councillors appointed to represent the Council on Outside Bodies.


At members’ request officers undertook to:

  • remind the relevant councillors about reporting requirements;


  • circulate the Guidance to all members.


RESOLVED: to endorse the guidance to members.  


Update on the Standards Regime pdf icon PDF 63 KB

This report advises the Committee on the impending changes to the standards regime envisaged in the Localism Bill.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to consider and comment upon the implications for Oxfordshire County Council of the changes to the standards regime contained in the Localism Bill and as outlined in this report.





The Committee considered the update on the impending changes to the Standards regime (ST11) and commented as follows:

·        the Committee supported seeking political group members’ and independent members’ views on possible future arrangements for investigating / taking action on serious issues;


·        Officers were asked to liaise with the Chairman for a date for the Committee members to meet informally when details of the impending changes became available, possibly in the Autumn, to discuss with the Monitoring Officer the Localism Bill/Act and the options available prior to formal Council reporting.