Issue - meetings

Incineration of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating Containing Persistent Organic Pollutants - Contract Variation

Meeting: 10/10/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Deputy Leader of the Council with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment & Future Generations (Item 20)

20 Incineration of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating Containing Persistent Organic Pollutants - Contract Variation pdf icon PDF 251 KB

Cabinet Member: Deputy Leader of the Council, with Responsibility for Climate Change, Environment and Future Generations

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/254

Contact: Frankie Upton, Technical Lead – Waste Contracts (


Report by Director of Environment and Highways (CMDDLC5).


The information in this case is exempt in that it falls within the following prescribed categories:


3. Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information)


and since it is considered that, in all the circumstances of the case, the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


The annex containing exempt information under the above paragraph is attached.


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


a)    Approve the utilisation of the residual waste treatment contract for the treatment of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating containing Persistent Organic Pollutants and,


b)    Delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Highways in Consultation with the Head of Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer to enter into any necessary documentation with Viridor Oxfordshire Limited to secure such utilisation.


Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


The Chair noted that this was a good example of policy being developed at short notice due to the Environment Agency activating guidance.


The Chair thanked officers for their work, noted that the guidance would be continually monitored for changes, and agreed to the recommendations.




a)    Approve the utilisation of the residual waste treatment contract for the treatment of Waste Upholstered Domestic Seating containing Persistent Organic Pollutants and,


b)    Delegate authority to the Director of Environment and Highways in Consultation with the Head of Legal Services and Deputy Monitoring Officer to enter into any necessary documentation with Viridor Oxfordshire Limited to secure such utilisation