Issue - meetings

Garsington Road, Oxford Active Travel Scheme

Meeting: 20/06/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 64)

64 Garsington Road, Oxford Active Travel Scheme pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Cabinet Member: Transport Management

Forward Plan Ref: 2024/203

Contact: Tayo Akinyosade, Project Manager (


Report by Corporate Director for Environment and Place (CMDTMT7).


The Cabinet Member is RECOMMENDED to:


Approve the following highway improvement measures, as advertised:


a)    Flat Top Road Humps located at the John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park, Phipps Road, Napier Road and St. Lukes Road junctions with the B480 Garsington Road,


b)    Toucan crossing on the B480 Garsington Road, located approx 74 metres southeast of the centre line of Phipps Road,


c)    Shared-Use Foot & Cycleways:

                                               i.     on the south side, from east of the central island on John Smith Drive, to a point northwest with its junction with St. Luke’s Road,

                                             ii.     on the north side, from southeast of the central island to Oxford Business Park, to a point southeast of its junction with Phipps Road.



Additional documents:


The Chair introduced the item to the meeting.


Officers noted that the scheme intended to ‘close the gap’ of a missing link on the roads as outlined in the report, through a variety of measures such as toucan crossings, zebra crossings and side-road entry treatments.


The Chair noted the two consultation processes that had been undertaken and were broadly supportive of the improvements, with an element of co-production after engagement with stakeholders.


Officers noted that space constraints in particular sections of the road, and that more funding would be required for further development of the scheme.


Responding to comments in the consultation, officers confirmed that the scheme was compliant with LTN 1/20, once more noting the physical constraints. The Director of Environment and Highways stated that there was a nuance between ‘must’ and ‘should’, and in this instance, there were genuine reasons why the lanes were not segregated.


Officers confirmed that the height of the shared-use pathway was continuous the entire way.


The Chair noted several responses in the consultation and officers answered questions raised.


The Chair thanked officers for their work and agreed to the recommendations in the report.





Approve the following highway improvement measures, as advertised:


a) Flat Top Road Humps located at the John Smith Drive, Oxford Business Park, Phipps Road, Napier Road and St. Lukes Road junctions with the B480 Garsington Road,


b) Toucan crossing on the B480 Garsington Road, located approx 74 metres southeast of the centre line of Phipps Road,


c) Shared-Use Foot & Cycleways:

i. on the south side, from east of the central island on John Smith Drive, to a point northwest with its junction with St. Luke’s Road,

ii. on the north side, from southeast of the central island to Oxford Business Park, to a point southeast of its junction with Phipps Road.