Issue - meetings

Chinnor (Henton): 20 mph Speed Limit Proposals

Meeting: 25/05/2023 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Highway Management (Item 99)

99 Chinnor (Henton): 20 mph Speed Limit Proposals pdf icon PDF 1 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/047

Contact: Geoff Barrell, Principal Engineer, 20mph speed limit project,


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM    ).


To consider any objections arising from Formal Consultation.



The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED:


a.    the proposed introduction of the 20mph speed limit as advertised, and


b.    that the existing 30mph speed limit should remain in lieu of the proposed 50mph speed limit.



Before considering the proposals on 20mph speed limits, the Chair agreed to the following request to speak.


Danny Yee, Oxfordshire Liveable Streets, advocated that the Council look to introduce 20mph limits in Oxford City in advance of the introduction of traffic filters.  He referred to research that showed that reducing traffic congestion can lead to increased speeds.


The Chair confirmed that the 20mph proposals for Oxford City were still at an early stage.  He hoped that road space freed up by the filters could be used to make walking and cycling safer.


The report on this item presented responses to a statutory consultation on the proposed introduction of 20mph and 50mph speed limits in Henton.


The Chair read out a statement from the Local Member, Councillor Kate Gregory, in support of the 20mph limit and retaining the 30mph limit.  He then considered the comments from the consultation and the officers’ responses.


Officers explained that the original proposal to increase the speed limit from 30 to 50mph on the link road to the village was intended to reduce the number of speed limit changes in a short distance.  However, it was clear that residents opposed this so the final proposal was to retain 30mph on that stretch.


The Cabinet Member for Highway Management APPROVED:


a)              the proposed introduction of the 20mph speed limit as advertised, and


b)              that the existing 30mph speed limit should remain in lieu of the proposed 50mph speed limit.