Cabinet Members: Finance and Corporate Services
Forward Plan Ref: 2023/029
Contact:Tim Spiers, Director of IT, Innovation, Digital and Transformation,
Report by Corporate Director Customers, Organisational Development & Resources (CA 8).
Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to
b. Approve funding of £1.57m for programme resources to prepare requirements for a transformation and potential procurement process. This funding will be drawn from the council’s transformation reserve.
c. Note that a further Cabinet decision to commit capital funding and progress to the next stage will be required in due course, which will be based on a full business case.
Additional documents:
Recommendations approved.
Cabinet had before it a report presenting an outline business case to transform finance, procurement, HR and payroll services and systems within the authority. These services were currently delivered in partnership with Hampshire County Council.
Councillor Glynis Phillips, Cabinet Member for Corporate Services introduced the report and explained the reasons for transferring the services to an in-house model which would better meet the Council’s needs going forward.
During discussion, the following points were made:-
- The importance of involving staff at all levels in the organisation in the transformation process
- The process should be conducted through a sequential approach to ensure sustainability and that the financial, capability and delivery aspects of the project were given adequate consideration
Councillor Phillips proposed the recommendations, Councillor Sudbury seconded and they were approved.
a) approve the development of detailed requirements and a full business case to review delivery options for corporate support services and underpinning technology including human resources, finance, payroll and procurement in order to deliver services more efficiently, modernise business processes and upgrade current IT systems.
b) approve funding of £1.57m for programme resources to prepare requirements for a transformation and potential procurement process. This funding will be drawn from the council’s transformation reserve.
c) note that a further Cabinet decision to commit capital funding and progress to the next stage will be required in due course, which will be based on a full business case.