Agenda item

Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) - Annual Report for 2019


15 minutes


To note the content of the JSNA report and the implications for future work (HWB7).


The Board was asked to note the content of the JSNA annual report and its implications for future work (HWB7).


Val Messenger introduced the report acknowledging the hard work of the OCC officers, Margaret Melling, Sue Lygo and Philippa Dent, and the many organisations who had contributed to the data and commentary. She added that the JSNA required true collaboration with many organisations which served to unite them in their understanding of the values which underpinned the Health & Wellbeing Strategy.  It also reinforced and tackled the priorities of the Strategy such as prevention, unemployment, education, air quality, whilst also contributing to reducing health inequalities in Oxfordshire.


Comments and responses received were as follows:


-       Councillor Louise Upton highlighted to the Board the stark fact that healthy eating was less affordable for low income families (Chapter 4: Wider Determinants, page 92); and


-       Professor Smith commented on his concerns about the limited research into certain trends in population growth which were often not included in demographic trends;


-       Councillor McHugh reported that the CCG had produced a document for a recent stakeholders’ workshop depicting the likely growth in the birth rate;


-        Val Messenger also pointed out that there were experts working on figures produced by the Office for national Statistics and Local Plans and reporting the best available projections.


The Board AGREED to note the content of the report and its implications for future work.

Supporting documents: