Decision details

Goring Parking Review 2024

Decision Maker: Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Decision status: Recommendations Approved (subject to call-in)

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Officers have worked with Goring Town Council to bring forward a package of proposals to amend and introduce waiting and parking restrictions which are required to help protect visibility, local access, turning at junctions and better manage the provision of short-stay parking in parts of Goring.


The Chair welcomed speakers to address the meeting and responded to their points in turn.


The Chair highlighted the scheme as a good example of joint-up working between the Council and residents of Goring.


Officers commented that there would be a net increase in unrestricted parking in Glebe Ride. Officers noted that further schemes to develop solutions to residents parking in Goring were outside the scope of this decision, but that in the future, subject to funding conditions, the Council could work with local members and the parish council in this area.


The Chair questioned the implementation of double-yellow lines in Goring, following a decision at a previous meeting in December. Officers stated that they’d check with colleagues and developers to confirm this particular point.


The Chair noted that the scheme was designed to protect and enhance the amenity of residents.


Following a question from the Chair surrounding responses to the consultation and whether proposed changes would be counter-productive, officers stressed the need to carefully monitor schemes as undesired effects could possibly occur.


The Chair thanked all respondents to the consultation and to the officers for their work in producing a detailed report and was happy to agree to the recommendations.




Approve the following as advertised:


a) New ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) restrictions, on sections of Glebe Ride, Lockstile Mead, Lockstile Way, Station Road, Valley Close and Wallingford Road, as advertised.


b) New ‘No Waiting Mondays to Fridays 10am - 11am’ (single yellow lines) restrictions on sections of the north and north-west sides Lockstile Way, as advertised.


c) New ‘No Waiting Mondays to Fridays 3pm – 4pm’ (single yellow lines) restrictions on sections of the south and south-east sides Lockstile Way, as advertised.


d) In Cleeve Road, east side, downgrade the existing ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) to ‘No Waiting Mondays to Fridays 10am - 11am’ (single yellow line), as advertised.


e) In Grange Close, sections of both sides, confirm the existing single yellow lines as a ‘No Waiting Mondays to Fridays 10am - 11am’ restriction, as advertised.


f) New time-limited parking spaces, for up to 2 hours, no return within 1 hour, on Mondays to Fridays 8am – 6pm, and associated removal of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on sections of Croft Road, Manor Road and Thames Road, as advertised.


g) New time-limited parking spaces, for up to 2 hours, no return within 1 hour, on Mondays to Fridays 10am – 3.30pm, and associated removal of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ on sections of Cleeve Road, as advertised.


h) In Cleeve Road, downgrade the existing time-limited parking spaces, for up to 2 hours, no return within 1 hour, from 8am – 6pm to change to 10am – 3.30pm, still on Mondays to Fridays, as advertised.


i) In Glebe Ride, north side, the proposed time-limit for both the existing unrestricted spaces and the newly proposed spaces should be abandoned. However, the proposed removal of two sections of ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines) towards either end, should proceed as advertised.


j) In Thames Road, east side, the short section of parking in the layby, should be corrected within the new Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) maps to show it as unrestricted, as marked and signed on site.



Report author: Mike Horton

Publication date: 20/06/2024

Date of decision: 20/06/2024

Decided at meeting: 20/06/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management

Accompanying Documents: