Issue - meetings

Alteration to Lower Age Limit at Woodeaton Manor School

Meeting: 11/06/2012 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Education (Item 1)

1 Alteration to Lower Age Limit at Woodeaton Manor School pdf icon PDF 100 KB

Forward Plan Ref: 2012/054

Contact: Barbara Chillman, Senior Officer, School Organisation Tel: (01865) 816459


Report by Director for Children’s Services (CMDE4).


At the meeting on 13 March 2012 the Cabinet agreed to support the governors at Woodeaton Manor School in their publication of formal proposals to alter the lower age limit of the school to admit Key Stage 2 primary age pupils.


The Cabinet Member for Educationis RECOMMENDED to approve the permanent alteration of the lower age limit at Woodeaton Manor School with effect from 1 September 2012.


*Note: As set out under Rule 17(a) of the Scrutiny Procedure Rules, permission has been sought from the Chairman of the Council  for this decision to be exempt from Call-In as it is deemed urgent and any delay would seriously prejudice the Council’s interests, in that the Cabinet’s role would be negated by referral to the Schools’ Adjudicator if the decision was not taken within two months of the end of the Statutory Notice, in this case being 4July 2012.  Confirmation of the Chairman’s Decision will be reported at the Meeting.

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