Issue - meetings

Outside Bodies

Meeting: 18/09/2013 - Remuneration Committee (Item 32)

32 Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of the County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (RC7 to be circulated separately)



The Council’s Constitution allocates to the Committee the responsibility for appointments to outside bodies other than to those identified by the Cabinet as ‘strategic’. 


Following consideration of a number of appointments at your previous meeting on 12 July 2013 you asked for further information before making appointments to a number of bodies.


The attached schedule sets out further information.


The Committee is RECOMMENDED to make appointments to the non-strategic outside bodies listed in the Annex.

Additional documents:


Following consideration of a number of appointments at your previous meeting on 12 July 2013 the Committee asked for further information before making appointments to a number of bodies.


The Remuneration Committee considered the attached schedule that set out the further information.


RESOLVED:             to note appointments already made and to make appointments to the non-strategic outside bodies as detailed in the Annex to the minutes.


Meeting: 12/07/2013 - Remuneration Committee (Item 19)

19 Outside Bodies pdf icon PDF 85 KB

Report of the County Solicitor & Monitoring Officer (RC7 to be circulated separately)



The Council’s Constitution allocates to the Committee the responsibility for appointments to outside bodies other than to those identified by the Cabinet as ‘strategic’. 


The report identifies the bodies to which appointments now need to be made and reviews the process for making them.  It also sets out any proposed new additions. 


Additional documents:


RESOLVED:            to


(a)               make appointments to the non-strategic outside bodies listed in the Annex to these Minutes and to review appointments to the remaining bodies at the next meeting;


(b)               designate the Castle Committee as a Category ‘B’ outside body and appoint the Cabinet Member for Community Services as the member representative; 


(c)               endorse the agreement whereby Councillor Greene acts as the delegate of the Chairman of the Council at meetings of the Blue Plaque Society Board;


(d)               agree the review of the category ‘C’ outside bodies and the mechanism for appointments.