Meeting documents

Tuesday, 19 September 2006


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Division(s): N/A




Report by County Council Management Team


  1. This report is the first to present performance against priorities in a Balanced Scorecard format. Annex 1 uses a traffic light system to show progress within four blocks: Customers, Finance, Process and People.
  2. The Customer block tracks our targets for Strategic Priorities alongside baskets of indicators for Adult Social Care, Children and Young People, Environment and Culture. The baskets comprise key indicators: Best Value Performance Indicators, CPA-related indicators, and local indicators.
  3. The Finance block covers projected year-end revenue spending. The Shared Services Centre project and SAP (the electronic final management system)-related matters are reported in the Process block.
  4. Finally, the People block shows progress against targets for organisational development, sickness absence, appraisals, Investors in People and staff satisfaction.
  5. A key to the traffic lights is provided as part of Annex 1 to the report. The key explains whether the target is long-term, a basket of indicators, project or budget-related. It also provides the parameters for traffic light categorisation.
  6. Background

  7. We are committed to rolling out the Balanced Scorecard approach to performance reporting. As part of this years service and financial planning round, balanced scorecards will be developed at Directorate, Head of service and Service Manager level for implementation by 2007/8. This will provide a consistent framework for performance reporting, emphasising our one-team approach and contribute to decluttering.
  8. We have also committed to participate in the proposed County Council benchmarking club which will enable us to assess comparative year end performance against other Authorities much earlier than previously as well as providing an opportunity for in-year performance comparisons.
  9.   Balanced Scorecard summary

  10. The commentary overleaf focuses on those target areas not showing a green traffic light. Performance at the end of the first quarter is encouraging with green traffic lights in place for over 80% of indicators where information is available.
  11. Customers

  12. All except one target is on track.

    • Achieving project milestones to ensure the Council becomes a Charter Mark Authority by 31 March 2009

  1. The status is amber while any potential longer-term implications of the Cabinet Office’s review of Charter Mark on the programme are assessed. All actions to meet key internal milestones are on track.
  2. Finance

  3. The targets for Children, Young People & Families and Resources are amber, meaning that they are on track to be within +/- 5% of year-end budget. The issues for Resources relate to cashflow issues and the detailed commentaries can be found in the Financial Monitoring report.
  4. The criteria used for traffic light categorisation for finance indicators may be subject to some further refinement in quarter 2.
  5. Process

  6. All 3 targets are amber.

    • Shared Services Centre project to achieve net savings of £2.4m by 2009/10

  1. Status is amber while suitable accommodation is being secured. Options are being considered and the impact on the programme assessed.

    • All financial systems integrated into SAP, with SAP used as the master source of financial information, budgeting and control by 30/07/07

  1. Work has begun on the integration of systems. Workshops are being held to review the requirements for each application and each Directorate, but there have been some difficulties in identifying workshop attendees and suitable workshop dates so progress has been constrained.

    • SAP e-procurement deployed across the Council by 30/09/07

  1. Expenditure analysis work and the loading of Procurement Catalogue data are progressing, but are still behind schedule.
  2. People

  3. Three targets are on track. Two targets have no data.

    • Implementation of Organisational Development programme (Human Resource elements)

  1. The project plan was only approved in July. The first progress report was available for review at the 6 September meeting of the Change Management Board.

    • Percentage of staff who are proud to work for the County council

The next staff satisfaction survey is due in Autumn 2007. The previous satisfaction survey was carried out in Autumn 2005 and the percentage proud to work for the County Council was 54%. However, the survey measures that sit alongside the Balanced Scorecard indicator show that the overall perceptions of the County Council are positive:

I feel proud to work for Oxfordshire County Council


I feel proud to work for my service


I feel valued for the work I do


I intend to still be working for Oxfordshire County Council in the next 12 months


Overall, I feel satisfied with my job at Oxfordshire County Council


Overall perceptions of Oxfordshire County Council



  1. The Cabinet is RECOMMENDED to note the report.


Background Papers: Nil

Contact Officer: Paul Edwards, Corporate Performance Manager, Tel: (01865) 815307

September 2006

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