Issue - decisions

Extension to local stop smoking service

06/02/2024 - Extension to local stop smoking service

Councillor Nathan Ley introduced the report on the local stop smoking service to the meeting. Cllr Ley noted the negative health impacts smoking has on the United Kingdom as a whole, particularly on families with lower income and those who have mental health issues. Cllr Ley invited Derys Pragnell, Public Health Consultant (Live Well Promote and Prevent), to provide any thoughts on the report, to which there was agreed confidence in the ability of the provider to continue the good quality of service.


Cllr Ley thanked the officers for the report and agreed to all of the recommendations within it.




a)    Approve the budget for and authorise the Director of Public Health to extend the current Specialist Stop Smoking Service contract by one year to 30th June 2025.


b)    Delegate authority to the Director of Public Health in consultation with the Head of Legal and Deputy Monitoring Officer and Section 151 Officer, to award an extension to the Stop Smoking Service Contract as referred to in this report, in line with Council procurement guidelines.