Issue - meetings

Oxford: South Parade - proposed two - way cycling and associated amendments to waiting restrictions

Meeting: 25/01/2024 - Delegated Decisions by Cabinet Member for Transport Management (Item 9)

9 Oxford: South Parade - proposed two-way cycling and associated amendments to waiting restrictions pdf icon PDF 2 MB

Forward Plan Ref: 2023/337

Contact: Anthony Kirkwood, Team Leader Vision Zero.


Report by Corporate Director Environment & Place (CMDHM09).


To determine what waiting restrictions should be introduced following consideration of public consultation responses.


The Cabinet Member for Transport Management is RECOMMENDED to approve the following as advertised:


a.     permitting two-way cycling on the full length of South Parade,


b.     replacing all current lengths of single yellow line waiting restriction on the north side of South Parade (Monday to Fridays 8am to 4pm) to ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines).




The Leader of the Council APPROVED the following as advertised:


a.     permitting two-way cycling on the full length of South Parade,

b.     replacing all current lengths of single yellow line waiting restriction on the north side of South Parade (Monday to Fridays 8am to 4pm) to ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines).


The reported presented responses to the statutory consultation on the proposed two-way cycling and associated amendments to waiting restrictions on South Parade Oxford.


The Chair invited the speakers in turn to address the meeting and responded to points raised.


Officers explained that the proposed replacement of the single yellow line to a double yellow line would make the street more suitable for cycling and help facilitate active travel.

Officers confirmed that despite the currently illegal contraflow cycling, there had been no reported injury collisions involving contraflow cyclists.


The Chair commented that an official cycle lane would have the effect of making drivers more aware of cyclists. The Council wanted to encourage people to walk and cycle as much as possible and to make it part of everyday life. It was important to make areas safe for children walking to school, walking to clubs and so on.


The Chair asked officers to comment on concerns regarding disabled persons parking places. Officers explained that there had not been any additional blue badge parking proposed as part of the scheme, but blue badge holders would be able to continue to park where double yellow lines were to be introduced, in accordance with the nation provisions to park on ‘no waiting at any time’ restrictions.


The Leader of the Council would approve the proposal with the proviso that officers consulted with North Wall Trust, as set out in paragraph 29 of the report and that officers would ensure that there was proper signage and necessary safety islands on the west end of the street.


The Leader of the Council APPROVED the following as advertised:


a.     permitting two-way cycling on the full length of South Parade,

b.     replacing all current lengths of single yellow line waiting restriction on the north side of South Parade (Monday to Fridays 8am to 4pm) to ‘No Waiting at Any Time’ (double yellow lines).