Councillor Stefan Gawrysiak

Profile image for Councillor Stefan Gawrysiak

Party: The Independent Voice of Oxfordshire Group (Independent Member)

Division: Henley-on-Thames

Parish: Henley: North Parish Ward ; Henley: South Parish Ward

Contact information

Home address: 
Elizabeth Road
Henley on Thames

Mobile:  07799 803596


Download Councillor Stefan Gawrysiak contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Terms of Office

  • 08/05/2017 - 06/05/2021
  • 10/05/2021 - 01/05/2025

Appointments to outside bodies

Additional Information

Retired Assistant Headteacher of Gillotts School, Henley-on-Thames, I was a teacher for 35 years.


A Henley Town and District Councillor.  A governor of Badgemore School and a member of the committee for the Henley Show.


My interests are education, social care and air quality.  Committed to devolution of powers and localism.

Election Results